This work is a solo created in 2017, performed and choreographed by Taylor Han.
The piece explores stopping, starting, pausing, falling, landing (or maybe not) and how these movement concepts relate to what’s happening in our personal life. A moment in life; of uncertainty, of not knowing the way, of the longing for when the way was known. Nostalgia and memories feed into the piece and are explored through text and movement, using imagery and improvisation. The sound score, created through automatic writing, was the inspiration for the movement. The solo questions our concept of ending. How do you know when something has really ended? What’s the emotional reaction to completing something and then starting something new? Through structured improvisation and set material the solo honestly explores the dancer’s personal journey through their exploration into this topic.
Endings was performed at DanceLive 2018 as part of The Youth and Graduate Showcase.
Photography - DanceLive 2018 at Citymoves Dance Agency